Summit Hill/Lansford News
Summit Hill
League to meetThe Anthracite Little League Association (Summit Hill and Nesquehoning) will hold its monthly meeting on Sunday, Oct. 9, at 6 p.m. in the Summit Hill Borough Building. All parents are invited to attend.For more information, contact Roobhenn Smith, (570) 645-5385.Trick or TreatSummit Hill Mayor Paul McArdle has announced the townwide Trick or Treat Night will be held on Monday, Oct. 31, from 6-8 p.m. Residents welcoming children to their homes are asked to have their properties well-lighted.McArdle said additional police shifts will be assigned in order to help make sure the safety of the children is maintained. In addition, members of the fire department, fire police and American Legion Post 316 will be patrolling the streets to help make the annual event a safe one.Presbyterian churchThe Hope of Christ Presbyterian Church, Summit Hill, last week returned to the regular time of worship, that being 10:30 a.m.This Sunday's (Oct. 9) schedule includes Sunday school at 9:15 a.m., followed by the worship service and a time of fellowship. Communion will be observed during the 10:30 a.m. service.LansfordBloodmobile plansSt. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, Lansford, will sponsor a visit to town of the Miller-Keystone Bloodmobile on Monday, Oct. 17.The bloodmobile will be held in the church hall from noon to 6:30 p.m.Miller-Keystone is the only provider of blood to the area hospitals, including St. Luke's Miners Memorial Hospital, Coaldale, the Gnaden Huetten Memorial Hospital, Lehighton, and the Palmerton Hospital.Persons wanting to schedule a donor time can call coordinator John Karnish, (570) 645-3994.Authority officeThe office of the Coaldale-Lansford-Summit Hill Joint Sewer Authority has moved and is now located at 162 W. Ridge St., Lansford. The office's administrative manager is Tonia Collevechio, who can be reached at (570) 645-2445.CoaldaleGOP to meetThe Coaldale Republican Club will meet on Monday, Oct. 10, at 7 p.m. at the West Ward Rod and Gun Club, to prepare for the Nov. 8 General Election.Absentee ballot applications and candidate information will be available at this time.The last day to register to vote in this year's election is Tuesday, Oct. 11. The last day to apply for an absentee ballot is Tuesday, Nov. 1.Robert Ames, town chairman, will conduct the meeting. He can also be contacted for additional information.Borough offices closedThe Coaldale Borough Adminstrative Office will be closed on Monday, Oct. 10 in observance of Columbus Day.Normal hours will resume on Tuesday, Oct. 11.