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Panther Valley district wins appeals on 7 Coaldale sites

Panther Valley School District won appeals to increase the assessment on seven properties in Coaldale, which are located in the boundary of the school district, following hearings held before the Schuylkill County Assessment Appeals Board at the courthouse in Pottsville.

The appeals board set new market value and assessed values for 2010 real estate taxes on the following:Diane E. Backus, 11 W. Phillips St., Coaldale, market value increased from $23,530 to $43,300 and assessment from $11,165 to $21,150, an increase of $9,385 in assessment.Bonnie J. Hillebrand, 304 W. Philllip St., Coaldale, market value increased from $83,380 to $107,730 and assessment from $41,690 to $53,865, an increase of $12,175 in assessment.Matthew Tirpak, 25 E. Ruddle St., Coaldale, market value increased from $36,520 to $51,870 and and assessment from $18,260 to $25,935, an increase of $7,675 in assessment.Stephen J. Teeno, 214 W. Seventh St., Coaldale, market value increased from $63,130 to $95,160 and assessment from $31,565 to $47,880, an iancrease of $16,315 in assessment.Trek C. and Vanessa Golis, 147 E. Howard Ave., Coaldale, market value increased from $31,420 to $55,060 and assessment from $11,110 to $27,350, an increase of $15,820 in assessment.Albert M. Lakitsky, 1459 Spring Rd., Andreas, West Penn Township, on property at 52 Earley Ave., Coaldale, market value increased from $5,630 to $23,940 and assessment from $2,815 to $11,970, an increase of $9 ,155 in assessment.Dustin Kranch and Samantha L. Beers, 123 E. Earley Ave., Coaldale, market value increased from $23.420 to $55,060 and assessment from $11,710 to $27,530, an increase in assessment of $15,820.Wins decreaseRobert D. Schaeffer Jr., 426 Coal St., Lehighton, was successful in his appeal seeking a decrease on the value of a property at 302 Biddle St., Tamaqua. The appeals board lowered the market value from $32,450 to $24,340 and the assessment from $16,225 to $12,170, a decrease of $4,055 in assessment.