Panther Valley news
Summit Hill
St. Paul LutheranThe Rev. George P. Zacarda, a retired pastor from Catasauqua, will be the guest minister at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Summit Hill, on Sunday, April 15. He will preside at the 10:30 a.m. worship service, during which time the Sunday school Easter program will be presented.The annual spring cleanup of the church and its property will take place on Saturday, April 14. Volunteers will do work on the inside and outside, beginning at 10 a.m. All ages are welcome to help. Those planning to assist are asked to bring a rake and gloves.Cleanup datesSummit Hill Borough will hold its annual spring clean up program on April 19 and 24.On Thursday, April 19, refuse will be picked up by the sanitation contractor on the east side of town, as well as at Knepper's Trailer Lots and East and West White Bear drives in White Bear.On Tuesday, April 24, refuse will be picked up by the sanitation contractor on the west side of town, along with Laurel Drive and East and West Mountaintop roads in White Bear.Among the discarded items that will be picked up are five tires, tire rims, auto body parts, refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, water coolers, heat pumps, washers, dryers and stoves.All items must have all chemicals removed from them and residents must tag them with a notation stating that the chemicals have been removed. Also, doors must be taken off refrigerators and freezers.In addition, up to 10 bags of garbage will also be taken by the contractor.SHHS graduatesThe Class of 1962 of the former Summit Hill High School would like to extend an invitation to anyone who attended the school to join class members for their 50-year reunion. The event is planned for Saturday, May 26, at the Parkview Inn, Summit Hill.For more information and/or to attend, call Eileen (Evans) Lechleitner, (570) 645-2209.Street sweepingSummit Hill Borough Council announces that street sweeping in the borough will begin during the week of April 16.Council President Michael Kokinda said to watch for postings to announce which streets will be swept each day.Recreation commissionThe next meeting of the Summit Hill Recreation Commission will be held at 7 p.m., on May 7. The annual Stay-At-Home festival will be held May 26-27 at the Ginter Field.Monthly meetings of the commission take place at 7 p.m., on the first Monday of the month.LansfordBaseball tryoutsLansford Babe Ruth will be holding tryouts for new players on Saturday, April 14, at 3 p.m. at the Lansford field. The rain date is Sunday, April 15, at 3 p.m.Players should bring a glove and drink. If you cannot attend or you need more information, contact Mike Turrano, (570) 645-9754, or Josie Uher, 645-2407.AMVETS meetingThe regular meeting of the Lansford AMVETS Post, Lansford, which had been postponed last week due to Easter, will be held on Sunday, April 15, at 1 p.m. in the post home. Commander Perry Shelton will be in charge of the session.A meeting of the Home Association will be held immediately after the post meeting.St. John LutheranOn Wednesday at 7 p.m., St. John's Lutheran Church, 1 E. Abbott St., Lansford, will hold an informal worship. This will be a spiritual, peaceful, evening service with Holy Communion. All are welcome to this relaxed, brief, musical, evening prayer.For those who wish to come early, a free simple supper is served at 6 p.m., followed by a brief adult Bible study and confirmation program at 6:30.For more information or if the weather is questionable, call the Rev. Marjorie Keiter, (570) 645-0356.NesquehoningCemetery associationThe Protestant Slovak Cemetery Association will hold its spring meeting on Sunday, April 15, at 2 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Church in Nesquehoning.The association is presently in need of help in order to continue to properly maintain the cemetery. The association is very small in number and is in need of friends and relatives of the deceased who are buried in this cemetery to attend the meeting. If you can help with cutting grass or any other maintenance, please call Denny Creitz at (570) 669-6787.Please plan to attend this meeting and consider donating some time to help keep the cemetery in good condition.CoaldaleParking regulationsCoaldale residents are reminded that the summer parking regulations are now in effect. There is no left side to curb parking allowed, other than on designated streets. The police will enforce these regulations and violators will be cited.