Oktoberfest pays tribute to West End heritage
The West End Rotary Club will hold an Oktoberfest and Car Show from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 11, at the Polk Township Fire Hall in Kresgeville.
The event celebrates the influence of German culture, known to most Americans as the Pennsylvania Dutch, in the West End of Monroe County. Oktoberfest originated in Munich, Germany in 1810.Rotary's Oktoberfest will feature authentic German food and music, including a biergarten, pig roast, old-fashioned cake walk and Chinese raffle. The menu includes bratwurst, baked chicken, hot dogs, roast pig, mashed potatoes, German potato salad, coleslaw, pumpkin pie and more. Several craft vendors will display their work.Tickets are available at West End Awards in Gilbert, New Beginnings Medical Massage on Route 209 Kresgeville and Creature Comforts veterinary clinic in Saylorsburg. They will also be available at the door. Proceeds will benefit the Polk Township Fire Co. and the greater West End community.For more information or to register as a vendor at Oktoberfest, contact Jill Rehrig at (570) 778-3846.During Oktoberfest the club will hold a classic car show on the fire hall grounds with registration from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Peoples' Choice voting will be held from 12-2 p.m. Prizes will be awarded at 3 p.m., with dash plaques given to the first 100 vehicles. Car classes run from pre-1940 through 1979 and include stock and custom vehicles, works in progress, trucks and motorcycles.Attendance at the car show is free. Those who wish to show their cars can purchase exhibit tickets before and at the show. Car show participants will receive a $2 discount per person on meal tickets to Oktoberfest. To register for the show, download the application from
www.westendrotary.org and mail it to West End Rotary Car Show, P.O. Box 982, Brodheadsville, PA 18322. Or contact Ed Gallagher at (610) 657-6196 for more information.With events such as Oktoberfest, West End Rotary has provided scholarships to Pleasant Valley High Students, dictionaries to every third-grader in the district, fountains at Chestnuthill Park and photo IDs to children throughout the West End. One of the club's most recent donations is an upgrade to a lifesaving thermal imaging camera for the West End Fire Company.