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Penn Forest Twp. promises to cite homeowners

Residents of Penn Forest Township who have not fully complied with the townships 911 addressing ordinance can expect to find a citation in their mailboxes soon. Township zoning officer Joseph Steber told supervisors during their normal monthly meeting on Monday evening that the citation forms have been ordered and his crew is ready to start handing them out.

"I don't want to hear a complaint if you get one," Steber said. "It'll be your fault if you get one. Don't even approach us to fix it."Steber has been promoting the addressing ordinance for months and his department has been pushing for the regulation for years. He has long maintained that it is ridiculous that fire and ambulance personnel have to struggle to find homeowners who call for aid. The ordinance specifies the type of signage required as well as its location on the property. For more information about the ordinance, contact the Penn Forest Township zoning department.In other zoning news, Steber asked supervisors to approve the $400 annual maintenance fee to ESRI, New York, for maintenance of the township's ArcView GIS software.Township supervisors will meet again on zoning issues during a special workshop at 6:30 pm on October 20.