Panther Valley news
Golden Agers
The April 8 meeting of the Panther Valley Golden Agers was opened by President Irene Hudasky with Ruth Ann Feane leading the group with songs.Plans for the annual picnic to be held on Monday, Aug. 12 are under way and the No. 9 Mine as well as the caterers at the Fireline Hotel have been contacted.Estelle Searches, who recently observed her 95th birthday, was recognized in a letter from the Women's War Memorial in Washington D.C. for her four-plus years of service as an Army nurse in World War II.The next meeting will be held Monday, April 22 at St. John's Slovak Lutheran Church Social Hall beginning at 1 p.m.Members celebrating birthdays in January, February, March and April will be honored.Choir members are asked to report at 11 a.m. to practice for the annual Memorial Mass on May 13.CoaldaleFirst Congregational ChurchFirst Congregational church will have Morning Worship service at 9 a.m. Sunday, April 21, followed by Sunday School for all ages at 10 a.m.Other upcoming activities include Women's Class at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 23; Kids Klub at 6 p.m. and choir rehearsal at 7 p.m., both on Wednesday, April 24.Vacation Bible SchoolVacation Bible School will be held at First Congregational Church, Coaldale, June 24-28 from 6-8 p.m. daily. All children ages 3-18 are invited to attend. To register please call (570) 634-9426 as soon as possible.Activities will include: opening exercises, Bible lessons, song practice, crafts, and snacks.This year's theme is "God's Backyard Bible Camp" which stresses the need to "Go and Serve." The theme song for the week is "Go Serve the World"NesquehoningNesquehoning DemosThe Nesquehoning Democrats will meet on Sunday, April 21 at Maple Shade Meadows at 6 p.m. All Democrats are welcome.VFW Ladies AuxiliaryThe regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Nesquehoning Memorial VFW Post 8008 was held April 9 at the Post Home. Senior Vice President Ellen Driesbach presided.A letter was sent out during the past month to all members on the future of the organization and declining participation and meeting attendance.