Published June 03. 2015 04:00PM
St. John'sTonight at 7, St. John's Lutheran Church, 1 E. Abbott St., Lansford, will hold an informal worship: a spiritual, peaceful evening service with Holy Communion.All are welcome to this relaxed, brief musical evening prayer.Feed the People hosts a dinner from 5-6:30, followed by a brief adult Bible study at 6:30 for all who wish to participate.For more information, please call Pastor Marjorie Keiter, 570-273-4038.Blood driveThe Miller-Keystone Bloodmobile will be at St. Katharine Drexel Church, 124 E. Abbott St., Lansford on June 15 from 1-6 p.m. in honor of Ruthie Meterko.Appointments are recommended and can be made by contacting John Karnish at 570-645-3994, however, walk-ins are also appreciated.NesquehoningPanther Valley Senior CenterThe following are a listing of upcoming activities at the Panther Valley Senior Center, 90 E. Catawissa St., Nesquehoning.All activities begin at 11 a.m. unless otherwise noted.Sign in by 10:30 a.m. for the next day's lunch.This week, Thursday, women's pool and men's cards; Friday, Scattergories.Next week, Monday, bean bags; Tuesday, farmers market vouchers noon to 2 p.m.; June 10, pay bingo; June 11, penny game; June 12, Scrabble.