Tamaqua news
Rush-Ryan seniors
The Rush, Ryan and Delano Senior Citizens Inc. celebrated its 34th anniversary on May 14 at the Ryan Township Fire Company. The meal was catered by Occasionally Yours, owned by Chris Petrovich of Mahanoy City.Chaplain Kathleen Valentine provided the invocation. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Mary Pupko and Manny Garcia.Birthday greetings were extended to Nancy Godanis.The group meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, at the fire company. Anyone 55 or older is welcome to join.SummerfestThe Tamaqua Historical Society will hold its 23rd Annual Summerfest celebration on June 16. Vendor application forms are available at the Tamaqua Chamber of Commerce office, 114 W. Broad St.Deadline for reserving a space is June 7. For more information, call (570) 668-1880.Arts allianceSage Right Alliance is being formed in the greater Tamaqua area to provide better communication and provide support for the various art related/theater groups in the area.Organizers hope to open the lines of communication between these groups to avoid duplication of efforts/productions and scheduling conflicts; share props, sets and costumes; and provide better public relations.Anyone interested may contact Lucille Fala-Brennan of the Strawberry Playhouse or Zane Bachert at the Tamaqua Community Arts Center or call (570) 325-4368.Meals on WheelsThe Tamaqua Area Meals on Wheels organization needs volunteers to help deliver meals. All it would take is one hour per week, although anyone who can donate more than an hour is welcome. For more information or to volunteer call (570) 668-6954.Calvary MethodistThe Rev. Dr. Jim Williams of Zion's Church of the Lewistown Valley will officiate at the combined 10:25 a.m. service Sunday in Calvary Evangelical United Methodist Church in the Lewistown Valley. The service will begin with a Memorial Day tribute at Calvary Cemetery. Special music will be performed by the combined choirs. Sunday school for all ages will be held at 9:15 a.m.Also on Sunday, a covered dish dinner will be held at Zion's Church Social Hall following the Memorial Day service.An hour of praise and prayer will be held at 7 p.m. next Wednesday.