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Jim Thorpe news

LAOH slates meeting

Members of the LAOH will hold their monthly meeting on Sunday, June 6, at 7 p.m. in McGinley Hall.Company sets meetingMembers of the Phoenix Fire Company will meet on Tuesday, June 8, at 7 p.m. at the company headquarters.Arrow of Light awardedSecond year Webelo's of Jim Thorpe received the final and highest rank of Cub Scouting recently the Arrow of Light. This is a prestigious honor and the Scouts had to fulfill many requirements.Scouts receiving this award were Cameron Price, Ryan McArdle, Daniel Simmons and Cole Frykulund. They each received the Arrow of Light symbol, which will be worn on their Scouting uniform.The ceremony marked the completion of Cub Scouting and the beginning of a whole new experience in Boy Scouting. The boys will be joining Boy Scout Troops 555 and Troop 441.