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Jim Thorpe news

Members of the Phoenix Fire Company are beginning to plan their annual Christmas party to be held on Dec. 9, at the company headquarters. The company meeting at 6 p.m. will begin the evening of festivities. The party will follow the meeting. Reservations must be made by Dec. 3 and you may call Arlene, at (570) 325-4251.

Leaf pickupLeaf pickup will begin in the borough on Monday, Nov 7 on the east side of town and continue there until Friday, Nov. 11. The west side and the heights section of town will be collected from Nov. 14-18. You are to call the borough office, (570) 325-3025, to make arrangements to have your leaves picked up and they are to be curbside.All Saints SundayAll Saints Sunday will be observed at St. John's Lutheran Church, South Avenue, on Sunday, during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Those church members who traveled the path of faith before us and who are now at peace will be recognized.