Published July 31. 2014 04:00PM
Christian Ferko of Jim Thorpe graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on June 6. He was awarded bachelor of science degrees in physics and mathematics.
Christian was chosen for induction into Phi Beta Kappa, an honor society formed in 1776, that celebrates and advocates excellence in the arts and sciences. He was also inducted into Sigma Pi Sigma, an honor society founded in 1921, to honor outstanding scholarship in physics, and is the official honor society of the physics profession.While at MIT, Christian maintained a cumulative GPA of 4.9.During his junior year, Christian had the opportunity to spend the summer in Switzerland as a student researcher at CERN, the European Council for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle physics laboratory.During his senior year at MIT, Christian was employed as a teaching assistant at Harvard University.He will be pursuing his Ph.D. in theoretical physics at the University of Chicago in the fall.He is the son of Gabriel and Laura Ferko of Jim Thorpe.