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Time for a change

I read a story the other day that I felt was worth sharing.

A gentleman suffering from type 2 diabetes recently went to a Brooklyn movie theater to view "Divergent."Unable to eat any of the high fat and high calorie snacks offered by the theater, the man chose to bring in a small container of strawberries to munch on while he enjoyed the film.He paid a whopping $12 for his ticket and was then told that he had to throw away his strawberries.He defended his position, held on to his strawberries and after the manager refused to refund his $12, decided to simply walk in and find his seat.Ten minutes later, the police arrived and escorted him out of the building.I will be honest and say that I too have sneaked healthy snacks into the movie theater; things that could not be purchased at the snack stand.Movie theater popcorn, for instance, is so ridiculously high in fat, calories and sodium and unfortunately, it is one of those things that once you smell it, you have to eat it.The oversized candy bars are oh-so-tempting as well, but would surely send my blood sugar skyrocketing were I to enjoy one.It would be very simple for people to say, "Well, just don't go to the snack stand," but it is very hard to refrain from doing so when you can see and smell it all around you.I can sympathize with this man and I think that the theater was dead wrong in calling the police on him.I would have done the same thing, no doubt.The theater would have not lost any money by allowing him to have his strawberries because he wasn't going to eat anything they had to offer anyway.Fortunately, after a long and detailed post made by the gentleman on the movie theater's Facebook page, the owner of the movie theater later apologized and has decided to make changes to their offerings to include healthy snacks such as granola bars and grapes. He has also lifted the policy barring outside foods and hopes to install a juice bar.How wonderful; and smart too.Not only will they be able to accommodate people with diabetes, but by taking a look at their food offerings, they can be more accommodating to people who suffer with various other illnesses, food allergies or people who are just trying to live a healthy lifestyle.Additionally, by allowing patrons to bring in their own food or beverage, they may actually make money rather than losing it (due to a reduction in food sales) as more people may actually come out to the theater.Movie theater snack prices are over-inflated, plain and simple.A single mom or struggling family who wants to take the kids out to watch a flick knowing full-well that their children will want, if not demand snacks, may avoid going to the movies altogether because they simply don't have the money to feed them there.Having the ability to bring your own goodies now makes it more affordable and gives mom and dad more control over the types of food their children are eating.As a diabetic film lover, parent and grandmother, I would very much like to see movie theaters offer alternative and healthy snacks and beverages in addition to the normal fare.Popcorn Indiana makes popcorn called "fit" that is all natural, comes in many delicious varieties, is approved by the Biggest Loser TV show, has only 40 calories per cup and is my popcorn of choice when I want to watch a movie or enjoy a little snack.There are also many all natural, low carb, high protein chocolate bars that could be offered to patrons in lieu of the high sugar candy bars that are presently sold.Of course, giving people the opportunity to bring their own snacks and beverages would reign supreme.I will take one of my homemade, nutrition-packed smoothies any day over a soda and would definitely frequent a theater that permitted me to bring one in over one that does not.This new way of thinking need not only apply to theater snack stands.In fact, anyone operating a concession stand would be wise to start brainstorming healthier offerings.More and more people are rethinking what they put into their bodies and have made the switch to healthier eating.Finding a way to acknowledge and serve that population is a win-win for everyone.