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Future Marian students

Bella Sanfilippo of Frackville and John Nakata of Tamaqua left the Marian vs. Panther Valley football game with special prizes as more than 100 students were recognized as possible future Colts and Fillies. Participants had the opportunity to speak with coaches and Marian Catholic High School students about educational opportunities. For more information on Marian High School, call 570-467-3335 or visit www.mariancatholichs.org or on Facebook. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Bella Sanfilippo of Frackville and John Nakata of Tamaqua left the Marian vs. Panther Valley football game with special prizes as more than 100 students were recognized as possible future Colts and Fillies. Participants had the opportunity to speak with coaches and Marian Catholic High School students about educational opportunities. For more information on Marian High School, call 570-467-3335 or visit www.mariancatholichs.org or on Facebook. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO