Health plan holds up contract
Coaldale council couldn't finalize the new police contract, as they expected to do during a meeting Tuesday.
"We hit a bit of a snag, although we tried getting this wrapped up," said council President Thomas Keerans. "The Teamsters have to sign off on the change in health insurance, and until that happens we can't ratify it but it's not going to be an issue."After the meeting, Keerans said the changes in the health insurance plan were a result of personnel changes that happened in 2012, when the borough's three full-time police officers were furloughed by council. After that change, the borough only had one full-time employee, street department head Kenny Hankey. Chief Tim Delaney was covered under his wife's insurance, Keerans said."When we were down to one full-time employee, that knocked us out of the group insurance plan," he said. "Then when the police were brought back (restored to full-time April 2014), they had a health plan but it wasn't the same as the one they'd had."Keerans said the health plan discrepancies were in dental, vision and disability insurance, and said it was an oversight by council. Keerans, Frank Hutta, Mike Doerr, Yvonne Stoffey and Brenda Hosler voted in favor of restoring the health insurance plan. Councilwoman Angela Krapf abstained from voting; she's the wife of borough police Sgt. Keith Krapf. Councilman Harry Hontz wasn't present.Charles Blesse and Todd Weiss are the other full-time officers for the borough. The three officers have filed a lawsuit in Schuylkill County Court seeking back pay. That lawsuit is still pending. Borough council expects to ratify the new contract at the April meeting.During Tuesday's meeting, council members learned that former auditor Joe Kollura has notified the borough that he'll no longer be doing audits. Keerans said the audits are normally done every three months, and that no audit has been done for nine months. The borough will be advertising for a new auditor.The borough will also be advertising for trash and recycling hauling. The present contract with Tamaqua Transfer runs out in June.Landlords can expect to be contacted about paying the annual renter's permit. According to the borough records, there are 75 landlords who haven't paid the annual $30 fee. The matter will be turned over to the borough's solicitor.Hutta said a group that used the Coaldale Complex gym Monday evening "trashed it." He said "it looked like a tornado had gone through." Keerans said when groups misuse the complex, they should not be allowed to return. Council will considercharging a securitydeposit.