Haters won’t go away
Haters won’t go away; nor will we I recently read a poem filled with disrespect and hate; Nothing there about making America great. I regret the poet sees the president as bad; Truth be told, it’s radical leftists who are really sad. Illegals galore, felons freed; No wall to protect you or me. Abortions and infanticide for one and all; Everybody votes, that’s their new law. Attacks, violence and political views extreme; Their goal is to destroy the American dream. Americans see through fake polls and lies; The 2020 election; where radical ideas go to die.
The poet despises Trump’s wall — why? A wall would reduce the flow of criminal and terrorist immigrants, the flow of death causing drugs, immigrant crime, a negative impact on taxpayers subsidizing illegal immigrants, the loss of low-paying jobs, illegal immigrant voters and reduce unscreened, unhealthy immigrants exposing Americans to disease. Would anyone change the rules of a competitive event after the event ended to appease the losers? The preposterous idea that the popular vote should override the Electoral College is passé. The election is over, Trump won, move on!
I know, Trump used Russian collusion and obstruction. Seriously, with Mueller and his 13 Trump hating acolytes? Searching for anything to condemn Trump: are you so blind and hateful to believe after two years, an unlimited budget and hundreds of witnesses Mueller would say he found nothing, unless of course he found nothing?
I suspect Trump cheated on his wife, a consensual act; not so William Jefferson Clinton. The Paula Jones payoff, destruction of Monica Lewinsky, Juanita Broaddrick et al. tarnished the Clintons’ God-like image forever.
The God-complex — Trump is an egotist concentrating on his successes, not his failures. Obama believed he was so omnipotent he could charge Americans for health care they couldn’t afford and wouldn’t receive; then increase premiums every year thereafter. Trump repealed Obama’s insidious mandate, saving seniors and financially impoverished families from bankruptcy, thank you, President Trump! Radical left lunatic globalist socialists oppose Trump striving to improve and protect America; the haters won’t go away — nor will we — MAGA!
P.S. Shout out to Walter Fagan — great understanding, great insights, great article. NOS DROVIA.
Terrence Watto