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Carbon accepting bids for legion parking lot project

Carbon County is accepting bids for Lehighton American Legion Post 314’s parking lot rehabilitation project.

The board approved advertising the invitation to bid on the project via PennBid earlier this month and will accept bids until April 3.

According to the county notice, the project includes reconstructing the parking lot of the legion. Bids will be officially opened and read at 10:30 a.m. on April 30 and will either be awarded or rejected within 30 days of the bid openings.

The county is overseeing the bidding because in October 2023, the board submitted an application on the legion’s behalf to the Commonwealth Financing Authority for a Monroe County Local Share Account grant for $73,581, which was later approved by the state.

At that time, Commissioner Rocky Ahner said the Lehighton American Legion “is one of the central locations in the county for veterans.”