Summit Hill borough council
Summit Hill Borough Council on Tuesday moved through a lengthy agenda including taking the following actions:
• Approved a police training request for Officer Tara Strauss on May 19 and 20 in West Hazleton at no cost to the borough.
The course is on enforcement of state vehicle inspection regulations.
• Ratified the application of a grant from the Carbon County Community Foundation for new playground equipment.
The borough may need to provide a $2,000 match, but the foundation may also cover the full $4,000.
• Approved a handicap parking application for 126 W. Fell St.
• Adopted a definition of family members as an exemption under the rental inspection program. The borough will use the IRS definition of family, and require a notarized document for the exemption.
• Adopted an ordinance amending the physical fitness section of the Civil Service Ordinance. The borough’s ordinance is now in line with state police requirements for physical fitness.
• Switched titles for its sewage enforcement officer and the alternate, upon their request. Scott Bieber is now the alternate SEO and Ian Farrell is the primary SEO.
• Approved opening a new bank account for the rental inspection program with Jim Thorpe National Bank.
• Approved spring cleanup and recycling dates as follows: electronics, April 12 from 7-11 a.m. for Summit Hill residents only; spring cleanup, April 19 for east side of town, Knepper’s Trailer Court and East and West White Bear Drive; and April 26, for west side of town, Laurel Drive and East and West Mountaintop Road.
• Approved an exemption for churches and nonprofit organizations with 501(c) (3) status for renewals of special purpose parking spaces, except for any actual costs, such as replacement of a sign.