Lanford garbage prices increase
Lansford Borough Council on Wednesday increased the quarterly rate for garbage collection, as a new contract with Tamaqua Transfer goes into effect in May.
Council approved an increase that nearly doubles the rate from $60 a quarter to $115 a quarter, or annually the rate would go from $240 to $460 a year.
Council also set a discounted rate of $112.70 a quarter for early payment, and a penalty rate of $126.50 a quarter for late payment.
Council did not discuss the rate increase during its council meeting Wednesday, or its workshop meeting last week.
The quarterly rate is higher than those the borough provided earlier this year when considering contract options from Tamaqua Transfer, which was the sole bidder for garbage collection.
Council last month approved a five-year, $3.67 million contract with the hauler, which includes two town cleanups each year and up to four tires with no rims.
The quarterly customer rate provided was $102.04, or $42.04 more than the current rate of $60. The new rate of $115 a quarter is $55 higher.
Council President Bruce Markovich said Thursday that rate was only the cost for the hauler to collect the garbage, and didn’t include administrative costs incurred by the borough.
The additional $13 a quarter is to cover the borough’s cost of printing the bills, postage and related items, he said.
Markovich also explained the discount and penalty amounts, pointing out that the borough mails out bills 45 days before the end of the discount date, which gives the post office 15 days to deliver and residents 30 days to pay early.
After the end of the billing period, the penalty is amount is imposed, he said.
Cleanup dates
Council also approved spring cleanup dates on two consecutive Saturdays, May 10 and 17. The east side will be done one day, and the west side on the other day.
A schedule and rules will be announced as the dates approach and at least one street posted for no parking to aid the hauler with the pickup.
Free yard sale
Council also approved dates for the free community yard sales for 2025 and 2026 to allow for the committees to plan other events supporting and for the borough’s 150th and the nation’s 250th celebrations next year.
The dates for this year were set as May 17 and 18, June 14 and 15 and Aug. 2 and 3. The dates for 2026 are May 16 and 17, June 20 and 21 and Aug. 15 and 16.
There was some discussion that one of the free yard sale dates coincided with a town cleanup date, but no action to change the yard sale dates was taken. Another date could be announced in the future.