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Mahoning Township to look into used rescue pumper

Mahoning Valley Fire Department is in need of another rescue pumper.

In a 3-0 vote, supervisors agreed on Wednesday to have the fire department look into the bidding process for a used truck. They are seeking to replace their 26-year-old truck.

The board heard from fire Chief Mark Ebbert, who discussed a rescue pumper replacement project.

“We’re faced with a lot of challenges,” Ebbert said. “Prices have gone through the roof.”

Ebbert estimated that prices for a new rescue pumper would be anywhere from $850,000 to $1.2 million.

He said the fire department has been applying for FEMA grants for the past two years.

“Because of the limitations of grants (and price increases), we’re realizing we may never see a brand-new truck again,” he said.

As a result, Ebbert said the department was interested in a used 2019 truck with 26,000 miles on it.

“It seems to be a very fair price,” he said. “I’m asking the board to help support this project.”

Ebbert said the current asking price for the used truck is $449,000.

He said they would buy the truck from a broker, as the truck is from a town in Missouri.

Ebbert said the broker would buy the vehicle from a fire department, and the broker would look to resell it.

He said it would have to be trucked from Missouri to Alabama, and then from Alabama to the area.

It was noted that the fire department would have to go through a bidding process.

Ebbert said the truck is not available until the fall, but added there have been a lot of inquiries for it.

The fire department would utilize money from its fire company fund, he said.

Board Chairman Robert Slaw and Supervisor Deb McGowan were absent.