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TASB adopts non-contract pay plan

The Tamaqua Area School Board approved a compensation plan for school administrators, supervisory personnel and other non-contract employees last week.

The plan, which goes into effect July 1, 2025, freezes salaries for the 2025-26 school year, but does not include the top administrators.

The superintendent, assistant superintendent, chief operating officer and business manager are all covered by separate contracts with the district.

Included in the new compensation plan are administrative and supervisory staff positions, which include principals, assistant principals, directors of special education and athletics, and supervisor of building and grounds.

Also included are confidential administrative assistants, which include assistant to the superintendent, accounts payable/receivable, payroll, human resources, cafeteria and activities and director of transportation.

Other non-contract employees are the network administrator, network technician, social worker, school psychologist, behavior analyst, occupational therapist, school police officer and health room assistants.

Future salary adjustments are based upon employee evaluation scores. Job descriptions and goals will be reviewed each year, and goals incorporated into the evaluations.

Adjustments for administrative and supervisory employees will be on one of five levels based on a performance score from one to 100.

Adjustments based on scores are 0-45, minus 1% of base salary; 50 to 70, salary freeze; 71 to 85, increase based on consumer price index (CPI); 85 to 95, CPI plus 1%, and 96 and above, CPI, plus 2% (available to select individuals based upon the superintendent’s recommendation).

The CPI is a measure of inflation that consumers experience in their day to day lives. In January, the CPI was at 3%.

Employees in the other two categories — confidential employees and other non-contracted employees — will be evaluated with a different tool and adjustments to salaries are on three levels with lowest scores seeing a salary freeze, the next level an increase based on the CPI, and the highest level, the CPI plus 1%.

The employees received the same benefits as those set in the collective bargaining agreement with the Tamaqua Area Education Association, unless otherwise noted in the plan.

The plans also covers employees attending conferences, dues for one professional association and course work for professional development approved by the superintendent and for the benefit the district.

Employees who leave the district must repay the district for any course work that was completed within five years of their departure, as follows: within three years, 100%; within four years, 75%, and within five years, 50%.

The plans also outlines a policy for inclement weather, vacation, holidays, sick and personal time.