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Franklin Twp. supervisor resigns

One Franklin Township supervisor has vacated his post, and the remaining two nearly did too as the drama unfolded at Tuesday’s board of supervisors meeting.

Township solicitor Tom Nanovic at the onset of the meeting made a recommendation to the board.

“I’m advising the supervisors to amend the agenda to accept two resignations of two supervisors, and to appoint hopefully two new supervisors,” Nanovic said.

Nanovic said Supervisor Robin Cressley submitted his resignation on Feb. 7.

“By law, that doesn’t become effective immediately, it has to be accepted by the board of supervisors,” Nanovic said. “If they don’t do it at a public meeting, then it becomes effective 45 days after the date of the resignation.”

The motion was on the agenda to accept the resignation of Cressley.

“What happened was yesterday (Supervisor) Leroy Kemmerer (Jr.) also submitted his resignation, effective immediately, and just like Robbie’s resignation doesn’t become effective immediately, they’re both still supervisors, which is why Robbie is sitting here and Leroy is on the phone; it doesn’t become effective until again until the board of supervisors approves at a public meeting or 45 days (go by).”

Nanovic said he contacted board Chairman Fred Kemmerer Jr. on Monday.

He said he told him, ‘“Fred, this is going to be a big problem because if neither Robbie or Leroy show up at any of our meetings, we can’t conduct business.”

Without a second supervisor, the board couldn’t accept Cressley’s resignation or appoint a replacement.

Resignation withdrawn

At that, Leroy Kemmerer Jr. abruptly withdrew his resignation and said he was staying on as a supervisor.

“Someone’s got to watch Fred,” Leroy Kemmerer Jr. said. “I’m taking back my resignation.” Nanovic thanked Leroy Kemmerer Jr. and told him that was permissible.

“We’re not going to get voted people in there that Fred always come up with names and them people are going to be put in,” Leroy Kemmerer Jr. said. “I’m not going to put up with that, because it’s going to be a one-sided deal.

“We need to put someone in that we’re both comfortable with, not him having names that he’s putting in because it’s all going to be one-sided for every vote from then on out.”

Fred Kemmerer Jr. said, “I’m going to resign. “That way I can watch the (expletive) show.”

Nanovic questioned the actions.

Fred Kemmerer Jr. said he hoped that no one resigns.

“I know that the dynamics are fine the way it is,” Fred Kemmerer Jr. said. “I know so.”

However, several members of the audience, including former supervisors Rod Green and Jason Frey, said the board’s actions about the talk of resignations seemed to show otherwise.

Nanovic attempted to restore order back to the meeting.

“We’re all here for the betterment of the township,” Nanovic said. “Why don’t we stop this?”

Nanovic suggested that the board accept Cressley’s resignation so that he could leave.

The township has 30 days to fill the position, and if not, the township’s vacancy board has 15 days to fill the position.

“Robbie has acted like a gentleman throughout this entire thing, and I think you guys owe that to him,” Nanovic said. “He’s been upright, forthright with everybody.

Nanovic said whoever gets appointed will have to run and take office in the beginning of 2026.

“For the good of the township, the people are really kind of counting on you,“ he said. “That’s why you guys ran.”

But Fred Kemmerer Jr. said the aggravation he’s had to deal with was bothersome.

“Robbie and I are both getting accusations that aren’t true,” Fred Kemmerer Jr. said.

Leroy Kemmerer Jr. then chimed back in.

“See that proves the point you’re one-sided, you want what you want and only what you want and won’t talk to me on anything I want,” Leroy Kemmerer Jr. said.

Residents weigh in

Resident Ty Poole said the board needed to get its act together for the betterment of the township.

“Let’s not be a laughingstock,” Poole said. “I think this looks like a total (expletive) show.

Nanovic again recommended for the board to accept Cressley’s resignation.

At that, the board accepted Cressley’s resignation.

Cressley thanked “the residents for believing in me 11 years.”

“I think we did a lot of good over the years, and I think we came a long way; there’s still a lot to be done,” Cressley said. “I wish the residents and the board the best of luck.”

But, the surprises didn’t end there.

“I’m going to submit my resignation, if I’m doing such a bad job,” Fred Kemmerer Jr. said. “And I’ll (relieve) myself of the headaches.”

Nanovic said the board should worry about the township, as they had items on the agenda that needed to be acted on.

“You guys know firsthand the amount of stuff I’ve put in,“ Fred Kemmerer Jr. said.

But Green told Fred Kemmerer Jr. that needed to stop.

“Stop tooting your own horn and listen to what the people are saying,” Green said. “That’s the first problem you have, stop tooting, there’s three of you.”

Green said that when he was a supervisor, they got along well. They disagreed, got done, shook hands and moved on.

“You guys hold grudges like little 3-year-olds, all of you,” Green said.

Green added the three supervisors should work together.

“That’s part of the problem and you’re not getting it Fred, listen to what the people are saying instead of being stubborn,” Green said. “You don’t listen.”

Nanovic then told Fred Kemmerer Jr. he wished he wouldn’t resign at this time because the board had things on the agenda it needed to handle.

Fred Kemmerer Jr. agreed to stay on the board.

Next steps

Fred Kemmerer Jr. admitted the meeting got a bit heated, and added there are times when it’s easy to get frustrated.

“We all try to do a good job,” Fred Kemmerer Jr. said. “This is essentially our civic duty.

“We’re doing this stuff out of the kindness of our heart.

“I agree, you owe it to the people that put you here to keep going, and I’m sorry for my comments. The last thing I would want to do is walk away from my duties.”

The process, he said, is both Leroy and himself will come up with a list of names, and they’ll have 30 days after that try to come to grips.

If they can’t agree, Fred Kemmerer Jr. said the vacancy board would step in and come up with a solution.

“I think in any type of situation like this, the pressures of what we’re doing, we’re fine with,” he said. “The problem comes in when you have that extra pressure from outside forces that ends up making something that should be pretty easy more complicated.

“For now we’ll have our own list and we’ll compare it, and maybe we’ll have to go in a room somewhere and figure it out.”

Green told Fred Kemmerer Jr. that they are elected to do what right’s for the township, not what’s right for the person on the outside.

“So vote what’s right for the township (and your thoughts)” Green said. “Don’t let anybody pressure you because then you owe them.”

Fred Kemmerer Jr. told Leroy Kemmerer Jr. he promises he will try to work with him.

Leroy Kemmerer Jr. agreed.

“Let’s resolve this, get the township back on its feet,” Leroy Kemmerer Jr. said. “That’s why I decided to withdraw. I was elected by the people, the people like me, they know I’m trying to do a good job.”

Leroy Kemmerer Jr. then became emotional as he added that he has health issues, and doesn’t tell everyone of his health issues.

After the meeting, Cressley said he resigned because the board “was going in a different direction than I thought it should be.”

He added, “I hope they can work together and bring everything back together like it used to once be.”
