Carbon reviews Kidder solar project
An engineer for a proposed solar park project in Kidder Township outlined the plan for Carbon County officials as they gathered to review the proposed 455-acre project by Mora Solar LLC on land owned by Blue Ridge Real Estate.
During the county planning commission meeting on Tuesday, Vincent Esposito of Langan Engineering and Environmental Services Inc. of Warrington, met with the members of the commission to answer any questions regarding the project off Moseywood Road.
Esposito explained that the project will utilize existing access roads onto the property, widening the current 12-foot dirt road to a 20-foot gravel road.
He added that the area will be fenced in with an 8-foot fence that includes a break in the fencing to address concerns of closing off wildlife and natural resources.
“There will be a cut to have a free flowing path so nothing is cut off,” he said.
In addition, the developers will limit grading and disturbance to the woodlands and wetlands as much as possible and solar panels are proposed to traverse around streams and other natural resources on the property.
Ivan O. Meixell Jr., county planner, provided the commission with his review of the plan documents as well as the site and made no recommendation on whether the project should be approved or rejected; instead stating that the commission’s review should be included in the township’s discussions and taken into consideration for their decisions.
Meixell’s review states that the commission believes the plans, as submitted, have several areas that do not conform to preliminary plan requirements of Kidder Township’s ordinances.
The review also provided eight pages of comments, which outline items that need to be addressed by the developer before approval could be recommended.
This included providing proof of licenses from state and federal agencies, an agreement from PPL Electric Utilities and insurance certifying the project and property; outlining details on anticipated glare control, electrical components, signage, emergency service access and providing access for residents who have inquiries and complaints.
In addition, the commission recommended additional information in the decommissioning agreement for the property in the event the solar power generation activity ends.
This includes the removal of solar equipment and financial securities.
Several commission members questioned areas of the plan, including water runoff mitigation, stormwater management plans, the depth of the pillars used for solar panel installation and how this will affect tributaries fed by streams from the property.
Esposito said that the group has already met with the state on these matters and are working to adequately create plans for these areas of concern.
Following the lengthy discussion, the commission will now send its review and comments to Kidder Township for inclusion with any further discussion regarding preliminary plan approval.
In January, the township planning commission reviewed the application and recommended going before the county planning.
The project plans have been working their way through the township since 2021
In November 2021, the project went before the township planning commission and was tabled until more information could be provided.
In early 2022, Mora Solar was given conditional approval by Kidder Township supervisors.
It has since moved through various stages.
In September 2022, a public hearing was held for residents regarding the conditional use of the property.