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Lansford begins search for chief

Lansford Borough will begin its search for a new police chief this month.

Borough council on Wednesday approved placing an ad on the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association at a cost of $500.

Last week, council discussed advertising on the chiefs’ website, as well as placing ads in regional newspapers.

Lansford is again looking for a new police chief after Kyle Woodward tendered his resignation last month.

The Tamaqua native and 21-year veteran of the Baltimore County Police Department in Maryland began his tenure with the borough in January 2024, and will serve through the end of March.

The borough used the state chiefs’ association to advertise, interview and rank candidates in its search for a new chief in 2023. The move cost $5,000, and led to Woodward’s hiring.

The borough did not discuss using the service for its newest search, and is only placing an ad for 90 days on the chiefs’ website, which communities across the commonwealth use to find officers and chief candidates.

Councilman Jack Soberick, a former borough police chief, and Councilwoman Jennifer Staines were opposed to the move to advertise on the chiefs’ association website.

The borough will be down to two full-time officers, Sgt. Shawn Nunemacher and Detective Josh Tom, and five part-time officers when Woodward departs.

Council approved paying Nunemacher a week’s pay for supervisor and management training. He will be attending a weeklong Police Supervisory In-Service Training in Sinking Springs.

Council President Bruce Markovich and Councilwoman Gwyneth Collevechio were opposed.

The borough also approved advertising for three alternate members on the Civil Service Commission.

Councilwoman Jennifer Staines asked why council didn’t appoint an alternate last month, and Markovich said because all the applicants were council members. One member of council can serve as a member of the Civil Service Commission, Staines said, and Markovich and the solicitor agreed.

Lansford Borough will begin searching for a new police chief following the resignation of Chief Kyle Woodward. FILE PHOTO