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Penn Forest Twp.

Penn Forest Supervisors conducted the following business Monday:

• Approved quotes for $510.42 for parts for an F-550 truck payable to Force America, as well as an auger replacement motor at a cost of $248.06 was approved.

• Towamensing Trails garbage exemption for 2025 was approved. Kuharchik Construction will place a traffic signal at Route 903 and the turnpike.

• Electronic recycling events will be held July 19 and Nov. 22 at the transfer station.

• The township will advertise for a part-time/per diem snowplow operator at a rate of $21.05 per hour. Two loads of anti-skid from Eureka stone Quarry will be purchased at a cost of up to $700.

• Zoning board member Jay York will attend a Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors Zoning Academy on Feb. 12 and 13 at a cost of $249 plus mileage, hotel rooms and meals.

• The following were approved: a Touch-a-Truck event on June 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; a Fall Festival on Sept. 13 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and Trunk-or-Treat on Oct. 26 from 1 to 3 p.m.

• The planning commission’s recommendation for Mazella Enterprises storage units time extension until April 7 was approved.

• Conditional approval was also given for Weiler Road and State Route 903 for a three-lot subdivision. A reverse subdivision for Spencer and Thomas lanes in Towamensing Trails was given conditional approval.

• Getz Land Development Plan for a self-storage facility on Route 903 and transfer station compactor maintenance were tabled.

• A hearing was held before the meeting regarding the transfer of a liquor license to 1295 State Route 534, which was approved.

— Lori Cooper