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Franklin Twp. fire company schedules fundraisers for new pumper

Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company is about to shift its fundraising efforts into high gear.

Recently, the fire company ordered a Rosenbauer Commander EXT CAFS Pumper to update its fleet of vehicles.

“The anticipated build duration is 575 days from date of order,” said Chris Lilly, president, Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company Auxiliary. “This gives members of the fire company, auxiliary and fire police time to raise funds to decrease the size of the loan they will need to make payment on this $1.3 million, much-needed piece of equipment.”

Township fire Chief Lynn Diehl told the township’s board of supervisors last week that the fire company had ordered a new pumper the week earlier.

Diehl added the cost of the pumper is expected to be $1.31 million.

He said the department anticipates its arrival by winter of 2026.

Diehl said Rosenbauer is the manufacturer of the pumper that’s being ordered.

He said the department has several different accounts it pulls money from, namely a money market (savings) account.

After the meeting, Diehl noted the department currently has four vehicles: a 2015 brush truck, 2013 tanker, 2008 rescue pumper and a 1990 pumper.

Diehl said once the department receives its new pumper, it would essentially replace the 1990 pumper.

The fire company, its auxiliary and fire police have a year-round membership.

Anyone who would like to become a member of any of these teams may contact the fire company and fire police President Steve Warnkin at 610-844-2435, or Auxiliary President Chris Lilly at 610-377-8573.

They may also attend meetings. The fire company meets on the second Tuesday of each month; fire police, the second Wednesday; and the auxiliary, the first Wednesday. All meetings start at 7 p.m. in the fire company.

Events schedule

• Feb. 1: Sweet Treats Candy Sale. One-pound handmade candies. For pricing information or to place orders, call 610-377-8573. Pickup time is 11 a.m. at the fire company.

• Feb. 8: A Valentine’s Firefighters Dance. Event includes a buffet meal, on-tap beverages and music by Strawberry Jam. For pricing information or to order tickets, call 570-778-9229.

• March 15: St. Pat’s Dance with American Street Band.

• March 29: Outdoor Adventure Day, noon to 5 p.m. at the fire company. Event will include a silent auction featuring prizes from Kalahari Resort, Camelback/Camelbeach, local sports teams, Mount Airy Casino, Mountain Creek Riding Stables, Shawnee Playhouse, Alpine Ski & Snowboard and The Inn at Jim Thorpe, as well as the opportunity to bid on safaris to New Zealand, Africa and Argentina, There will also be a basket raffle, informational activities and brochures, a cash kitchen and a ticket raffle for cash.

• April 5: Country dance with Brian Dean Moore (sold out).

• May 3: Welcome Spring with Abandoned Mind.

• June 7: Oldies with the Mudflaps (sold out).

• Oct. 18, Oldies with The Fabulous Grease Band (sold out).

Sales schedule

• Filling Sales: Easter, April 15; Thanksgiving Nov. 25.

• Pizza Sales: Good Friday, April 18; July 11; Dec. 1.

• Takeout Dinners: (Each with a choice of meat or haddock), April 25, chicken; May 16, ham; June 13, meatloaf; Sept. 12, roast beef; Oct. 3, sausage, Oct. 24, ham.

• High Stakes Bingo: April 26 and Sept. 20.

• Car Show & Breakfast: June 1.

• Block Party: July 25-26.

• Giant Yard Sale: Aug. 15-17; no Thursday bingo Aug. 7 or 14, prepping for sale. Drop gently used, clean items between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Aug. 5, 7, 11 and 13, and between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Aug. 9.

• Trunk-or-Treat: Oct. 26.

• Cookie Tray Sale: Dec. 13.