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Weatherly discusses potential paving projects

Weatherly Borough’s manager talked about two possible paving projects for this year, but funding is an issue.

Manager Harold Pudliner told borough council Monday that he is considering two roads for paving this year, but may only be able to do one with the state Liquid Fuels allocation for 2025.

The roads are Second Street from Carbon Street to Blakeslee Avenue, and North Street from east dead end to Allen Avenue.

Pudliner talked to the borough’s representative with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and the borough can put both of the streets out to bid with an explanation that only one can be done, he said.

“If they came in at around $12.50 a square yard, we’d be able to do Second Street and mill all the way up to Blakeslee Avenue,” he said.

Then, the borough would be able to finish Second Avenue and Eurana Avenue next year, Pudliner said. If the price comes in higher than the $12.50 a square yard, the borough would have to go with paving North Street, he said.

“We’re going to put them both out and see where they come in, and then we can select,” Pudliner said.

Mayor/Council President Paul Hadzick said oil prices are coming down, especially with President Donald Trump’s push to ramp up oil production.

“I know the blacktop (cost) has a lot to do with the oil prices,” he said. “So, possibly, we’ll be able to do Second Street.”

Pudliner did not say how much the borough’s Liquid Fuel allocation was for 2025, and council took no action on seeking bids yet.

In other business, council approved:

• A resolution for a tax anticipation loan for 2025. Jim Thorpe Neighborhood Bank was the low bidder on a $100,000 loan at a 3.55% interest rate.

• The sale of impound yard vehicles and equipment. Pudliner said that they’ll be adding several to the list. There were four vehicles that would be put on the Municibid website.