Callahan voices ‘resident’ complaints
Mayor William Reynolds was not present at the Jan. 21 city council, citing the need to review the previous day’s glut of sweeping presidential executive orders and how they might affect Bethlehem. Many of Bethlehem’s projects and initiatives are funded by federal grants, but no word was immediately forthcoming.
Councilman Bryan Callahan brought up several issues he said residents had drawn to his attention, such as the lack of public restrooms in the historic district and the Southside. Community and Economic Development Director Laura Collins suggested potential locations for restrooms at the new parking garage or a stand-alone porta-john unit that can be removed to be cleaned. Businesses are not as welcoming to walk-ins who are only seeking use of the restroom, tourism is expected to increase because of Bethlehem’s designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Board members all agreed that restrooms are needed and options will be researched.
Callahan also questioned who was funding a project installing condom dispensers at local businesses, saying he would rather see taxpayer dollars go to other projects.
Collins said she believed it is a Health Bureau initiative and that most Health Bureau projects are grant funded, not funded through tax dollars. Councilwomen Hillary Kwiatek stressed the importance of such projects, reminding those present that during the 80s it was the Safe Sex initiative and condom distribution that helped contain the AIDS epidemic. It is not mandatory; merchants have a choice regarding accepting a dispenser.
Lastly, Callahan questioned the mayor’s claim of city financial success in the face of tax increase. City Manager Eric Evans clarified that having a surplus of (federal) funds does not cover deficiencies in the budget. Federal funds need to go specifically for the area they were designated for. The tax increase covers additional fire and police coverage as well as a contractual salary increase.
Callahan said, “Tax increases equal more unaffordable (living conditions) for residents.” Other council members agreed the safety of residents is of the utmost importance, and fire and police are essential to providing that.
The next city council meeting will be held Feb. 4 at 7 p.m.