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Lansford waits on garbage contracts

Lansford Borough Council accepted the lone bid for a new garbage contract last week, but did not award a contract pending further review.

The borough solicited bids for one-year, three-year and five-year contracts for trash removal with options for two town cleanups a year, recycling and two electronics cleanups.

The borough opened bids last Monday afternoon, and Tamaqua Transfer and Recycling Inc., the current hauler, was the sole bidder.

The firm did not bid on a one-year contract or electronics cleanup.

Council President Bruce Markovich said council members met with Larry Wittig of Tamaqua Transfer and he explained the electronics cleanups would have cost more than $200,000.

Council had an executive session regarding additional questions on the pending garbage contract following their meeting Wednesday, but did not take action afterward.

Residents would see their garbage bill increase about $40 a quarter, if the borough awards the contract, according to rates provided by the borough.

Tamaqua Transfer bid $2,122,313 on the three-year contract, which would cost residents $98.28 a quarter, or $38.28 a month more than the current rate of $60 a quarter.

A three-year contract with two town cleanups including up to four tires with no rims would cost $2,152,313, which would breakdown to $99.64 a quarter, or $39.64 more than the current rate.

The firm bid $3,617,454 on a five-year contract and that works out to about $100.48 a quarter for residents — an increase of $40.48.

The five-year contract with two town cleanups, including tires, would cost $3,673,454, or $102.04 a quarter — an increase of $42.04.

Tamaqua Transfer also bid on the collection, removal and dispose of recyclables separately. There was no bid on a one-year contract.

A three-year recycling contract would cost the borough $450,000, or an additional $20.83 a quarter per household above the increased rate for garbage.

A five-year contract would cost an additional $774,000, or an additional $21.50 a quarter for residents.