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Positions remain same in Chestnuthill Township

Chestnuthill Township held its reorganization meeting Monday, and all those who held positions in 2024 will remain in the same ones for 2025.

Chuck Gould remained chairman and Eric Snyder remained vice chairman. Roger Kutzler is the third supervisor.

Appointed to one-year terms were: David Albright, township manager; Cathy Martinelli, secretary/treasurer and open records officer; David Scheller, roadmaster; and township solicitor is someone from the firm Cramer, Swetz, McManus & Jordan. Riley and Company will once again do the audit. The CPA consulting firm is Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC.

Also appointed to one-year terms were: Hanover Engineering, sewer enforcement officer (SEO); Todd Weitzmann of Weitzmann, Weitzmann & Huffman, attorney for the SEO; Michelle Arner, alternate SEO; Chris McDermott from Reilly Associates, township engineer; Linder Engineering, alternate engineer; Matt Neeb, zoning director/alternate building code official; Karen Hayes, assistant zoning/planning director; Karen Hayes, planning director/assistant zoning; Cathy Martinelli, planning commission secretary; Cramer, Swetz, McManus & Jordan, solicitor to planning commission; H. Clark Connor, attorney for the zoning office; Joseph P. McDonald, zoning hearing board attorney; Tom Nanovic, alternate zoning hearing board attorney; Bureau Veritas, building code official; and John Mathews, economic development coordinator.

Also, Steve Baade, project coordinator/code enforcement officer; Berkheimer, earned income tax collector; David Albright and Cathy Martinelli, earned income tax collector liaison and alternate; David Albright and Cathy Martinelli, COG representative and alternate; Gould, Snyder, Kutzler and Kim Lutz, vacancy board; Joe Hoffman of Stevens & Lee law firm, special council for bargaining agreements; Robert Malinski, building and grounds; Nick Schoch, assistant building and grounds; Linda Woehrle, deputy real estate tax collector; and code enforcement officers are Robert Malinski, Matt Neeb, Dave Scheller, William Eddinger, Mike Manfre Sr., Mike Manfre Jr., Karen Hayes, Steve Baade, Nick Schoch and Eric Hoffman.

Lehigh Valley Health Network EMS was designated as the EMS provider, and contacts are Jason Knight and Jackie Barzev.

Eric Hoffman is the emergency management coordinator and operations section chief; Don Zipp is the deputy emergency management coordinator and fire marshal. The other positions are: William Eddinger, emergency support function; Lisa Hoffman, planning section chief; John Burrus, planning section; Nick Caprioli, logistics section chief; Cathy Martinelli, finance/admin section; David Albright, public information officer; Dave Scheller, public works; JT Mathews, technology section; Mike Manfre Jr., fire chief; and fire police Mike Manfre Sr., Jeffrey Kitner, Raymond Achey, Salvatore Sacco, Christina Harrison and Justin Langdon.

Eric Snyder will remain the supervisors voting delegate at the annual conference and historical society liaison. The agriculture area advisory committee is Chuck Gould, Bob Stewart, Mark Heckman, William Altemose and Bill Gethen. Lisa Hoffman, Jim Serfass and Ron Eick remain on the zoning hearing board. Ron Eick and Anna Piekarski were reappointed to the planning commission, which is a four-year term.

Chuck Gould was reappointed to the Chestnuthill, Jackson, Eldred, Ross and Polk Townships Regional Planning Committee (CJERP), and Hector Ramirez was reappointed as the alternate.

These also remained the same: Karen Hayes, CJERP regional recording secretary; Jim Fareri, CJERP solicitor; Dave Pepperell, CJERP regional building code board of appeals; and Jim Fareri, CJERP regional joint building code board of appeals solicitor.

Board meetings will remain first and third Tuesday at 7 p.m. Plans to be reviewed at the first meeting of each month. Work sessions and department head meetings will be held Mondays at 8 a.m. as advertised.

Dave Scheller is given authorization to hire part-time winter snowplow drivers as needed. The schedule of 2025 fees are listed on the township’s website.

The Chestnuthill Township supervisors are, from left, Roger Kutzler, Chairman Chuck Gould and Vice Chairman Eric Snyder. STACI L. GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS