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No tax increase in Walker Township

Walker Township supervisors passed the 2025 budget with no tax increase at a special meeting on Dec. 12.

“We are happy to say that, once again, there will be no tax increase,” Craig Wagner, Walker chairman, said.

The assessed valuation of the 2025 budget is $28,238,785. Board members Craig Wagner, Kent Heisler and Matthew Koch, along with Secretary Ann Ostergaard, went over each line item of the budget and adjusted them accordingly.

The millage for the budget remains at 5.29 mills for the general fund, and 1 mill for the New England Fire Company.

The new budget includes a 3% salary increase. Legal fees were decreased to $5,000. Engineering service fees were raised to $12,000.

On Public Works, the budget for line markings and signs was increased to $13,000.

Liquid Fuel and State Turnback funds were allocated as follows: $20,000 for winter maintenance materials; $77,798 for debt repayment; and $13,282 to road improvement projects.

The new budget also includes $100,000 for road projects for 2025.

The budget was advertised following the Nov. 19 meeting.