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Northern Lehigh School Board — Other

Northern Lehigh School Board approved the following matters last week:

• Advertise a request For proposals for insurance brokerage services for the district beginning in the 2025-26 school year.

• Contract with BerkOne Act 80 reporting at a cost of $860 for the 2024 submission.

• Michele Dotta, Pennsylvania Department of Education Conference, Feb. 5-7, Hershey, with the cost of registration, $297, lodging, $342, travel, $106, meals, $140, for a total cost of about $885, to be funded through the district’s special education budget.

• Affiliation agreement between the district and Cedar Crest College for a teacher preparation program. The program allows students at Cedar Crest College to complete their field experience in the district in order for them to complete their hours needed for graduation. The agreement will cover the period of Nov. 20, 2023, through Nov. 19, 2028.

• Expulsion hearing waiver for student No. 3190107, as the student and guardian have agreed to waive their right to a formal expulsion hearing in front of the school board and have also agreed to disciplinary action outlined in the waiver.

• Expulsion hearing waiver for student No. 2890097, as the student and guardian have agreed to waive their right to a formal expulsion hearing in front of the school board and have also agreed to disciplinary action outlined in the waiver.

— Terry Ahner