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Bowmanstown borough council

Bowmanstown Borough Council took the following action recently:

• Agreed to make a partial payment in the amount of $49,771 to Bruce George Paving and Excavating for the Mill Street project. The total payment is $119,771, and the rest will be paid once the auditor from liquid fuels closes out the project.

• Announced that a paperwork package has been prepared for audit by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Municipal Services Representative for the Mill Street Project.

• Announced that there is a $150,000 shortfall for the chlorine contact tank project. Councilman Darren Thomas explained they may downsize the project, borrow money, or try to find additional grant funding.

• Agreed to purchase a new salt spreader from Humphrey’s Hydraulics in the amount of $5,300.

• Agreed to buy a new wacker/rammer at a cost of $2,820.

• Agreed to raise the chipper rental for the compost by $600. This increase was based off how often the crew rented the chipper this year.

• Announced that a civil hearing for 722 Mill St. has been extended to a new date of 10:30 a.m. Dec. 13.

— Terry Ahner