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Children’s Remembrance Day service in Lehighton Dec. 8

A service for Worldwide Children’s Remembrance Day will once again be observed next month in Lehighton.

Worldwide Children’s Remembrance Day is on Dec. 8 at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church — Luther Hall, Third and Iron streets, Lehighton.

Doors open at 2:30 p.m. Dinner will be served at 3 p.m. Dinner is free of charge for family members of departed children.

It will include music, readings, lighting candles of remembrance and a slideshow of the children, grandchildren, and siblings who are missed dearly.

There will also be a time of fellowship and refreshments following the service, and all are welcome.

Registration is required and to be mailed to Dylan and Gavin’s Rainbow, PO Box 511, Lehighton, PA 18235 by Saturday. Or email information to dylanandgavinsrainbow@gmail.com.

Be sure to include your name, number of guests, name(s) of children you will be attending in honor and memory of, and contact information to dylanandgavinsrainbow@gmail.com, or phone (610) 377-1191

They invite all parents and families who have experienced the death of a child or children, no matter the age, no matter the cause, no matter how long ago, to be their guests.

Worldwide Children’s Remembrance Day is a time for family members and friends to commemorate and honor the memory of children who have died at any age, from any cause, not matter how long ago.

Every year since 1997, on the second Sunday of December, The Compassionate Friends (an international organization dedicated to providing grief support for families who have experienced child loss) has created a Worldwide Candle Lighting, now believed to be the largest mass candle lighting on the globe.

Those who attend will receive a special remembrance candle to take home to light in remembrance of your loved ones during the Worldwide Candle Lighting at 7 p.m. around the globe, and throughout the holiday season.

Parents, siblings and family members are asked to join for a special time of remembrance, including lighting candles in memory of the dear children in our own lives who have gone before us.

Anyone who would like a picture of their loved one included in the slideshow may email a photo, along with the name as they would like it displayed, to dylanandgavinsrainbow@gmail.com.