Published November 06. 2024 02:45PM
Election Day is a day where people exercise their right to vote. But for St. Joseph Parish of the Panther Valley in Summit Hill, it is also a day to showcase the ethnic foods that so many people grew up eating. The church held its annual Election Day Luncheon Tuesday, which included a variety of ethnic foods, from halupki and haluski to sausage and peppers and turkey barbecue. By noon, some popular items, including haluski and halupki were already sold out. Seen here is Marlene Mattrazzo as she dishes out turkey barbecue. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS
Election Day is a day where people exercise their right to vote. But for St. Joseph Parish of the Panther Valley in Summit Hill, it is also a day to showcase the ethnic foods that so many people grew up eating. The church held its annual Election Day Luncheon Tuesday, which included a variety of ethnic foods, from halupki and haluski to sausage and peppers and turkey barbecue. By noon, some popular items, including haluski and halupki were already sold out. Seen here is Marlene Mattrazzo as she dishes out turkey barbecue. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS