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Carbon elections director: Day has been ‘hectic’

Election Day is here and Carbon County polling places are seeing strong voter turnout at the polls.

Jennifer Ketchledge, county elections director, said that the day has been “hectic.”

“I’ve been to a couple of them (polling places) today and they all have had 20 to 30 people in line,” she said.

Her office is open accepting mail-in ballots, which must be in to the office by 8 tonight, as well as fielding any calls that come in from voters and voting precincts.

Ketchledge said that there hasn’t been too many problems, but pointed out that one issue happened at one precinct in Lansford, where the ballot scanner went down.

Poll workers were collecting the ballots and placing them in a bag until election workers were able to get the machine back up and running, then they scanned them into the machine.

“It’s working fine now and everything is good,” Ketchledge said.

Polls remain open until 8 p.m. this evening.