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Letter to the editor: Why I vote Democrat

Why do I vote Democrat? First, every job has dignity and deserves to be rewarded with a living wage for the effort. Second, women’s rights and the interaction between a woman and her doctor is no one else’s business.

Third, as an investor, the markets and the economy have done much better under Clinton, Obama and Biden and the numbers are dramatically better.

Fourth, support the public education system and hope every child can succeed regardless of their economic level.

Fifth, Social Security, Medicare and the ACA are the finest government programs and hope that the US can enact single payer care just like the majority of developed countries. Sixth, we have to maintain our place in support of Israel and Ukraine and our support for democratic governments around the world.

Republican control of Congress always means the same thing, no budget and a refusal to pass laws to undo the mess that is our immigration system.

There is no plan to deal with the Dreamers and many other people whose issues are easily addressed but used by the GOP, like the threat of government closings, as campaign issues, do your jobs. I refuse to vote for anyone who cannot admit the results of the 2020 election, encouraged the violence, betrayed their oath of office and has continued in those lies, embraced terms like QAnon, deep state, and all the other issues that comes with the lies.

Charles Haffey
