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Parryville seeks grants for shared services building

Parryville Council is applying for two grants for the Shared Facility Project which includes a new borough building, emergency services facility and firehouse.

Resolutions were passed this week to apply for the Local Share Account Grant for $1.25 million and Redevelopment Assistance Program Grant for $1.25 million as the total cost of the project is expected to be $2.5 million.

Letters of support for the application will be collected from all levels of government to submit the application by Sept. 30.

Borough council President Jason Smith said in September 2023 that the borough planned to seek LSA funding for its tri-use building, which would house its fire department, borough hall, and emergency shelter.

Smith said at that time that marked the borough’s third attempt at obtaining LSA funds for this project.

Members of Parryville Fire Company No. 2 previously met with borough representatives to discuss their request for a new pole building, which as of November 2020 was estimated to cost about $1.3 million.

Project engineer Eric Snyder, of Keystone Consulting Engineers Inc. said the new application will have an estimated cost of $2 million.

The new building would be built on property to the east of the current fire company on Main Street, said Snyder, who also serves as the borough’s engineer and assisting both parties with the grant writing.

He said the basement would be the borough hall/emergency shelter; the middle floor would be the fire department and multipurpose room, and the top story would be for storage.

The fire department had previously submitted its RAC-P grant application, and planned to submit the Local Share Assessment grant application.

The RAC-P grant would cover 50 percent of the cost, while the LSA grant would cover the other 50 percent of the cost.

Mayor Tom Kobal said at that time the current fire company would stay in existence until a new Parryville Fire Company No. 2 could be built.

A former school building, Kobal said the plan is to preserve the fire company building’s historical artifacts by placing them in a new station, and added they would also like to build a nice wrap around deck overlooking the Gap.

The borough building on Centre Street currently serves as a public meeting facility.

That building, which at one time housed Parryville Fire Company No. 1, would remain and be used as a maintenance shed, borough officials said.