Published August 24. 2024 08:31AM
Robert Neumoyer, left, Coordinator of the Lions of Pennsylvania Fund and Past District 14-U Governor, presents a check for $16,500 for the Lions District 14-U Pediatric Cancer Project. The money comes from a grant from the LOP Fund. Accepting the check are Robert Silliman, Palmerton Lions Club, and Past District Governor Lisa Leon from the Stroudsburg Lions Club. Silliman accepted on behalf of his wife, vice district governor and member of the Palmerton Lions Club. Alicia Silliman and Lisa Leon are the coordinators for Pediatric Cancer Fund for District 14-U. The funds will be used for local projects dealing with childhood cancer. JAMES LOGUE JR./SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Robert Neumoyer, left, coordinator of the Lions of Pennsylvania Fund and Past District 14-U Governor, presents a check for $16,500 for the Lions District 14-U Pediatric Cancer Project. The money comes from a grant from the LOP Fund. Accepting the check are Robert Silliman, Palmerton Lions Club, and Past District Governor Lisa Leon from the Stroudsburg Lions Club. Silliman accepted on behalf of his wife, vice district governor and member of the Palmerton Lions Club. Alicia Silliman and Lisa Leon are the coordinators for Pediatric Cancer Fund for District 14-U. The funds will be used for local projects dealing with childhood cancer. JAMES LOGUE JR./SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS