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Lehighton Area School Board

The Lehighton Area School Board approved the following personnel items and purchases this week:

• Hired Emily Slane as an elementary center first grade teacher at a bachelor’s degree step 2 annual salary of $52,804, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Tori Koerbler as an elementary center fourth grade teacher at a bachelor’s degree Step 7 annual salary of $58,854, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Mackenzie Rosenberger as an elementary center fourth grade teacher at a bachelor’s degree Step 2 annual salary of $52,804, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Steffani Smith as an elementary center music teacher at a bachelor’s degree Step 1 annual salary of $51,804, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Dana Kacyon as a middle school music and chorus teacher at a master’s degree Step 1 annual salary of $54,304, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Kirsten Zern as an elementary center paraprofessional at an annual salary of $20,310, effective Aug. 19.

• Hired Melanie DeVore as a middle school paraprofessional at an annual salary of $20,310, effective Aug. 19.

• Hired Kevin Bond as a mentor for Jordan Cook for the 2024-25 school year, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Timothy Sharrow as a mentor for Christopher Mekelburg for the 2024-25 school year, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Lisa Schatz as a mentor for Ashley Dillon for the 2024-25 school year, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Kristel Orsulak as a mentor for Jamie Scott for the 2024-25 school year, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Jeff Kirsch as a mentor for Marissa Andrews for the 2024-25 school year, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Renee Marciante as a mentor for Dana Kacyon for the 2024-25 school year, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Stephanie Kulpa as a mentor for Steffani Smith for the 2024-25 school year, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Nicole Foberg as a mentor for Tori Koerbler for the 2024-25 school year, effective Aug. 12.

• Hired Janine Matika as a mentor for Emily Slane for the 2024-25 school year, effective Aug. 12.

In other business, the board:

• Approved the pricing of Waste Management for the 2024-25 school year for the administration building, high school, middle school and elementary center at a cost of $3,261.63 per month (annual, $39,139.56).

• Approved the following athletic department job descriptions: ticket seller, ticket taker, scoreboard operator, track worker, announcer/sporting events and statistician/scorebook keeper.

• Approved the following district job descriptions: middle school counselor and behavioral interventionist.

• Approved an affiliation agreement between the district and the Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania for the purpose of providing experiential learning for education students for the 2024-25 school year through the 2028-29 school year.

• Approved the following additional handbooks for the 2024-25 school year: McKinney Vento Resource Guide, Home Education, and Therapy Dog Administrative Practices and Procedures.

• Approved the purchase of High School Accounting Class New Perspectives collection, Microsoft 365 & Office 2021 Introductory, K12 Mindtap from Cengage Learning. It is for six years of digital access, 135 licenses per year. The cost quoted is $24,522.75.

• Approved the purchase of Learn-by-Doing: Microsoft Office Specialist eTextbook five year transferable licenses from B.E. Publishing in the amount of $2,024.42.

• Approved the purchase of the American Reading Company Pre-K Curriculum 100 Book Challenge.

• Approved the Purchase of Century 21 accounting books from Cengage Learning in the amount of $4,862.03.

• Approved the Navigate360 subscription services to include Compass Behavior Intervention, Compass Services and Support, PBIS Rewards Per Student Fee, PBIS Rewards Service Base Fee and PBIS Rewards Training: Live Virtual 2-Hour Session: Train the Trainer for the 2024-25 school year in the amount of $9,995.

• Approved the Panorama proposal package that includes integration of core assessments, the student success platform, Training & Professional Development and Support, with the year one cost at $25,568 and years two and three at $18,180.

• Approved the Tech to School quote for 20 Window (HP) laptops, at a total cost of $12,760, to be used in the three different school buildings for curriculum purposes.