Kidder Township sends zoning update to planners
Kidder Township supervisors this week approved the draft curative amendments to the township zoning ordinance.
The 14-page document was approved to be sent to supervisors earlier that afternoon by the planning commission.
It will be sent to the Carbon County Planning Commission for their review and comments.
During public comments, Kidder’s Planning Commission was commended by citizen Linda Christman on their work on the curative amendments.
A public meeting on the draft of the curative amendment will be advertised for Monday, July 29 at 5 p.m.
A new set of rules will be in place for public comment periods to help keep order. The resolution, passed unanimously, adds a sign-in sheet, and among a dozen other rules.
Comments may be limited to Kidder residents and taxpayers, should be made in a respectful manner to the presiding officer, and that the presiding officer may defer a lengthy comment period to the next regular meeting.
Other business included extending land development approvals for the Jack Frost National Golf Course residential development Phase 1 for two years to July 29, 2026, and extending Mora Solar’s for six months to Jan. 4, 2025.
The Flying Locksmiths were approved to install a microphone system in the meeting room to connect to the built-in speakers - to help the audience better hear what’s being said from the podium. The Flying Locksmiths will also add a monitor in the police department for them to see the feeds from the cameras mounted outside the building. Cost for both is $6,975.
The township will pay $5,488 for Signal Service to install a new controller for the traffic signal on Route 903 at South Lake Drive. Fixing the traffic signal on Route 940 at Moseywood was discussed. With PennDOT still tarring and chipping the road, no action was taken.
The Ledgestone development has completed its required tasks so asked for the release of escrow money in the amount of $42,137, leaving $7,436 to be held for a year. Supervisors approved the release from the escrow account.
Cost for township insurances for the year will be $87,954 from Joyce Insurance/Risk Management.
The township approved $429,115 to support the fire and ambulance services.
Kidder Township police reported making 345 calls in May.
George Spencer has resigned as an alternate to the planning commission. Interested citizens should contact the township office to be considered for the vacancy.
An electronics recycling truck will be at the township building from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, July 13. Most items are free. See the township website for a list of fees.