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Pleasant Valley FBLA takes home top award

The Pleasant Valley High School’s Future Business Leaders of America chapter has reached a top spot in the nation.

In advance of the national conference, the chapter was informed that they will be honored as the number one FBLA Chapter in the United States in the FBLA National and International Champion Chapter Program. This is the first time the chapter received this award.

“As the adviser for Pleasant Valley FBLA, winning this Chapter award is a monumental triumph, both for PVSD, PV-FBLA, and in FBLA both domestically and internationally” said Denise Hopely, FBLA adviser and a business teacher at the high school. “These members embody a relentless spirit of competition that uplifts community service applications across all schools through the FBLA platform, and they create projects that inspire students to excel in confidence, opportunity, and growth in all aspects of life.”

The PV FBLA Chapter will be presented with this award at the FBLA National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida from June 27 to July 3.

“Utilizing the FBLA and curricula, paves the way for achieving the American dream through the free enterprise system, and setting the standard for the USA. Witnessing these FBLA students reach such an exceptional level is truly remarkable,” Hopely said.

On Thursday, Superintendent James Konrad announced the achievement.

“This achievement is a tremendous honor,” he said. “We wish you the best of luck at nationals in Orlando at the end of this month. We’re excited to hear about their competitions and their successes. I’m quite impressed, I have to say, with the way that our young men and women our developing into outstanding scholars and just wonderful young people.”

At the state competition, PV-FBLA won five Chapter awards, and 26 students placed in the Top 10 in their events. Nine students will be competing at Nationals.

The Pleasant Valley chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America will be presented with a first place award in the nation for the chapter. They will receive the FBLA National and International Champion Chapter Program award at nationals in Orlando in July. At the state completion, chapter adviser Denise Hopely is pictured with chapter members who include, from left to right; first row: Clark Po and Casper Robieniek; second row: Sharon Yang, Ashley Palmieri, Briana Palmieri, Mira Giunta and Sarah McGraw; third row: Isaac Klein, Alex Bunting, Molly Sobers and Michaela Clement-St. Louis; fourth row: Damon McMurty, Daniel Trebour, Ariana Moscoso-Topica, Mya Manigo and Lilly Erhardt; fifth row: Matthew Altemose, Tyler Hill, Anayah Accilien, Logan Flyte, Brianca Pridham and Katelyn Crawford; sixth row: Aidan Pintabone, Jonathan Yang, Noah Dolan and Aaron Bien; seventh row: Michael Pomilio, Phoebe Stone, Zane Kromer, Aisha Oelrich, Katelyn Reilley, Jeremiah Georges, Kaya Maciejewski and Maya Maciejewski; eighth row: Jason Kays, Jacob Chechel, Sean Donlon and Patrick Weiss; and ninth row: Anthony Mancuso, Zachary Prator, Zachary Pandolfo and Patrick Brennan. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO