Published March 29. 2024 01:14PM
The Tamaqua Area Auxiliary Committee recently recommended the Board approve of the following coaching actions for the 2023-24 school year, contingent upon the submission of the necessary documentation:
• Ratify Morgan Boyle, assistant junior high track and field coach, at a stipend to be determined
• Ratify Devin Murphy, fourth assistant track and field coach, at a stipend to be determined
• Ryan Bamford, volunteer softball coach
• Michael Bonner, first assistant varsity football coach, at a stipend to be determined
• Edward Titus, second assistant varsity football coach, at a stipend to be determined
• Michael Coleman, second assistant junior varsity football coach, at a stipend to be determined
• Shane Kaufman, assistant junior high football coach, at a stipend to be determined
• Duane Barron, volunteer football coach
• Melissa Hess, head cheerleading coach, at a stipend to be determined
• David Leinbach, JV girls soccer coach, at a stipend to be determined
• Courtney McCarroll, volunteer girls soccer coach
• Timothy Robb, volunteer girls soccer coach • James Barron, head boys basketball coach, at a stipend to be determined
• Erika Davis, head girls basketball coach, at a stipend to be determined
• Gina Morgan, JV girls basketball coach, at a stipend to be determined
• Duane Barron, volunteer girls basketball coach
• Ratify Aaron Knepp, head gaming coach