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Franklin Township Supervisors

Franklin Township supervisors took the following action on Tuesday:

• Approved two unnamed employees to attend a two-day ESM training for dirt and gravel/low volume roads held April 2-3.

• Approved the request from Palmerton Borough for Franklin Township’s fire police to assist with traffic control at 7:30 a.m. April 27 for the Raising the House 5K Race.

• Proclaimed the month of April as Pennsylvania 811 Safe Digging Month.

• Announced that there will be a change for the garbage collection day for Good Friday. The garbage will be collected on March 28.

• Announced that the E-cycling event will be held from 9-11 a.m. April 6 at the parking lot where the recycling center had been located.

• Announced the following fishing events at Phifer’s Ice Dam Park: Lions Club, May 4, Wild Turkey Federation Club, May 5, Pohopoco Rod & Gun Club, May 11, Beaver Run Rod & Gun Club, May 18. The largest dam is for the exclusive use of children ages 15-and-under for the purpose of fishing beginning May 3 and continuing until June 1.

- Terry Ahner