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PPL marking 10th year of teaching students

An entertaining in-school theater program that PPL Electric Utilities uses to teach youngsters long-lasting lessons about electrical safety is 10 years old this year, a milestone that demonstrates the program’s popularity and the importance of teaching kids valuable safety lessons.

PPL Electric is once again offering the entertaining, energetic and engaging performances between Feb. 20 and March 15 to teach elementary school students about electricity, how to stay safe around it and how to identify dangerous situations.

More than 14,000 students at 39 schools are expected to participate in these events. At the completion of the current tour, more than 160,000 children across PPL Electric’s 29-county service territory in Pennsylvania will have participated in the program since its inception.

The 30-minute program features a performance by actors from The National Theatre for Children, a Minnesota-based nonprofit organization.

While the performances were offered virtually for a period during the COVID-19 pandemic, the actors generally perform in-person in school gymnasiums, auditoriums and cafeterias.

The most recent performance, titled Space Station Safety, is set in an alternate reality that features an Earth colony on Mars. Two actors use props and jokes – lots of jokes – to teach students about what electricity is, how it’s used, and, most importantly, the dangers of electricity and how to stay safe around it.

Schools are given supplemental digital education materials that include e-books, digital games and activities themed around the program so that teachers can discuss electrical safety with their students.

“We pack a lot of really important safety messages into the show and seeing the students’ engagement and enjoyment is always very rewarding,” said Doug Haupt, manager of Public Safety.

“Reaching them at such a young age will help ensure they stay safe around electricity throughout their childhood and well beyond.”

On the PPL E-Smart Kids website children can learn the principles of electricity and important safety skills they need to prevent injuries and save lives. They can also play interactive games, conduct fun experiments and complete hands-on activities. Visit ppl.e-smartkids.com for more information.