Published April 23. 2018 02:45PM
The Pleasant Valley Choral Society will present its 35th anniversary Spring Pops concert at 7 p.m. Saturday and at 3 p.m. Sunday.
The concerts will be held in the auditorium of the Pleasant Valley High School, Route 209 in Brodheadsville.
This will also be the group’s final performance.
Thirty-five years ago, opportunities for entertainment in the Poconos were rare except for those provided at the local resorts, and the Pleasant Valley School District under the guidance of Dr. John Nye decided to launch a program that would bring cultural events to the community.
The Pleasant Valley Choral Society, under the direction of Pocono native Dottie Mohr, was an outgrowth of this program, and it flourished. Audiences packed the house for two and sometimes three performances, and the chorus grew to 60 members.
Over the years the chorus members dedicated themselves to presenting lively concerts that were also musically sound. Many singers have come and gone, the size of the group has risen and fallen, but the chorus has persevered through it all.
Unfortunately, times and interests change, and many other entertainment venues now exist.
The past few seasons have been a struggle financially, and the chorus has decided that the time has come to take its last bow.
Tickets are available from any chorus member and at the door: $8 for adults, children under 12 free.
Call Dottie at 570 688-9067 for more information.