West End News
Eldred notice
Eldred Township can no longer accept brush and tree trimmings at the Township building.
Soup sale set
Effort UMC is having a soup sale during March, from now to March 13, with a pickup date of March 17.
Available this month is Cheeseburger Soup and Hearty Chicken Rice Vegetable.
Bible studies
Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church, Brodheadsville, hosts a Ladies’ weekly Bible Study at 10 a.m. Wednesdays in the Pastor’s office.
For more information call 570-992-0158. If the secretary is not available, leave a message. The office is usually open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through Thursday; or email pvpc@ptd.net.
TOPS meeting
Take off Pounds Sensibly continues to meet at 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Salem-St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Kresgeville.
Items requested
Effort UMC’s Supplemental Food Resource Center is requesting donations of soups and/ or Easter supplies such as cake, frosting, Easter candy, pineapple, and free hams one might not need personally.
Lenten series
Father Bob’s Lenten series will be held at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church today, March 13, March 20 and March 27. There are two options for attending: at 10 a.m. for coffee and a program or from 6 to 8 p.m., for dinner and a program.
Seniors’ art show
The Middle Smithfield Community and Cultural Center will host the 2nd annual Women’s Art show from today through March 27, 5 to 7 p.m.
The opening reception will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. tomorrow.
Twenty-seven local women are exhibiting in oils, acrylics, sculpture, fiber, watercolor, mixed media, glass mosaic and photography.
Out to Lunch
The Western Pocono Women’s Club will be going to Siros Italian Restaurant at noon Thursday. Members are reminded to call, text, or email Darlene Beers if able to attend.
Fridays in Lent
Stations of the Cross will be held at 7 p.m. Fridays during Lent at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church.
Pray the Rosary
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Brodheadsville, invites all to join in at 3:20 p.m., before the 4 p.m. Mass on Saturday and on Sunday, at 7:20 a.m., and before the 8 a.m. Mass, to pray the Rosary.
All are welcome, is the church family outreach.
Time change
A reminder for all those clocks that must be reset an hour ahead before going to bed this Saturday evening.
Community Supper
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church is hosting its next Community Sunday Supper at 2:30 p.m., March 10.
Anyone wanting to sponsor a CSS meal is asked to contact the Church Office at
MC Aging help
The Monroe County Area Agency on Aging provides a variety of services to Monroe County residents age 60 and older.
Services include: Information & Referral, Limited Medical Transport, Senior Centers, Pre-Admission Screening, Legal referrals through North Penn Legal, Ombudsman Service, PA MEDI, Health & Wellness, Home Delivered Meals, Protective Services, Personal Care, PA Caregiver Support Program, Friendly Visitor, AmeriCorps Seniors Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP).
For more information call 570-420-3735 or toll-free 1-800-490-8505.
Cleaning buckets
Effort UMC’s Mission Committee is sponsoring UMCOR by filling 16 cleaning buckets. Items that are needed this month are: 40-oz. bottles of liquid concentrate household cleaner - but no spray cleaners. There is still time to donate 32-64 oz bottles of liquid laundry detergent. There are some buckets in front of the Welcome Center for donations.
Donation sought
The local Senior centers, including at Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville, are accepting donations of plastic and paper products, including such items as paper plates, coffee cups, napkins and plastic utensils left over from holiday dinners and party celebrations.
The West End Center is open at Zion United Lutheran Church, Brodheadsville, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Knit & Crochet
Zion Lutheran’s Knit and Crochet group will meet at 1 p.m. to ply their needles for those in need.
Healing service
Next Wednesday, Zion Lutheran in Brodheadsville, will hold a service of Healing and Holy Communion at 7 p.m.
Eldred Planning
The Eldred Planning Commission meets the second Wednesday of the month. The next meeting is at 7 p.m., March 13, at the Municipal Building at 490 Kunkletown Road.
WE Missions
West End Mission dinners are held on the second and fourth Thursday at 4:30 p.m. at Our Lady Queen of Peace church. Those dates are March 14 and 28.
RSVP needed
A Sharing the Cross, for teens in grades 7 to 12, is being held at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church on Good Friday. Youth are to arrive by 11 a.m. at McCawley Hall. The retreat will be filled with prayer, engaging activities, reflection and participation in the Lord’s Passion.
A Good Friday meal will be served during the Retreat.
An RSVP is requested by March 15. Email the youthminister@qopchurch.org for more information and/or to say you will come.
Church volleyball
The church volleyball league is now forming teams for the upcoming season and are seeking some additional players. Anyone thinking he/she would like to join the players in some warm weather fun, is asked to contact Paul DeBarry (League Coordinator) and he will get you connected. For more information contact Paul at pdaz@ptd.net.
Special dinner
St. Patrick’s dinner will be served at 6 p.m., March 16, at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church. There is a cost for both adults and children.
The menu states Irish soda bread/Corned beef/cabbage/potatoes/carrots/dessert and coffee.
There will also be bagpipes and raffles.
For costs call the church.
Pocono Women
New officers will be installed at the March 18 meeting of the Western Pocono Women’s Club, which begins at 7 p.m. They are: Lisa Altemose, president; Linda Troia, 1st Vice President; Vicki Connor, 2nd Vice President; Linda Silverberg, secretary, and Mary Minucci, Treasurer.
Folks are reminded that the membership is asked to bring any Christmas cards, fronts only-without glitter, to the next meeting.
A group of nine worked at the February Quilts Made with Love session, which resulted in 19 lap quilts that were given to MOW and Veterans.
Busybees included Brenda Dorshimer, Vicki Connor, Mary Minnucci, Linda Silverberg, Fern Smith, Darlene Beers, Linda Bryfogle, Carol Rowan, and Pat Mackes.
Cathy Bruno and Joyce Allen also cut squares for the quilts and Linda Troia sewed numerous quilt tops together at her home.
The March session will be on March 21, at 9:30 a.m. at the Pat Mackes home.
Meeting postponed
Due to some scheduling conflicts, the Board of Supervisors in Eldred Township meeting scheduled for March 20 will be postponed until March 27.
PVEN donations
The Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network is requesting donations of cereal, tomato sauce, cake mix, coffee & tea for its Food Pantry; gloves and mittens for children and adults, blankets, comforters and bed sheets for its Clothing Closet; and baby formula & baby food (unopened and unexpired), and adult sized pull-ups and bed pads for its Diaper Pantry as per Salem-St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Kresgeville.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net or the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.