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West End news for Feb. 27, 2020

Polk Historical

The Polk Township Historical Society will hold its first meeting of 2020 at 7 p.m. Monday at the Polk Township Municipal Building in Kresgeville.

The Polk Township Historical Society was formed in 1997 and is dedicated to documenting and preserving the history of Polk Township and maintaining the R.M. Andrews Memorial Archives, which is located in the historic former Patriotic Order Sons of America Lodge Hall in Kresgeville. Tours of the archives building are available by appointment. Visit the historic Jonas Bake Oven during the West End Fair in August.

Anyone new to Polk Township who would like to meet some dedicated, fun and interesting people, or those who been here forever and have an old-time tale to tell, should visit with the group.

Everyone is invited to attend the meetings, special programs and events. New members are always welcome.

For additional information, call Pat at 610-681-8984.

Spaghetti dinner

The Polk Township Volunteer Fire Company, Kresgeville, is hosting a spaghetti dinner beginning at 4 p.m. March 7.

Hunter-Trapper course

The Pennsylvania Game Commission Hunter-Trapper Education course for Spring 2020 is being sponsored by the Indian Mountain Rod & Gun Club on Route 534 in Kresgeville.

It will be given from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 4, though doors open at 8 a.m.

The one-day course requires online study prior to attendance

The club entrance is on left side of Route 534 when heading north.

Register at http://www.pgc.state.pa.us.

Preregistration is required for class as seating is limited.

The minimum registration age is 11. Certification earned is required by Pennsylvania law for all first-time hunters.

Lunches will be available at course for a nominal fee.

Any questions may be addressed to the instructor, Gary Dobrinsky at: A1Hunter@ptd.net.

Relay for Life

The West End Relay for Life will take place May 30 to May 31 at the Pleasant Valley High School in Brodheadsville.

For more information, contact lisa.hoey@cancer.org or call 570-688-7396.

Field Day

The annual Monroe County Youth Field Day is but a shy almost 200 days away. It offers youth ages 8 to 14 a free fun-filled day of various outdoor activities and wildlife programs ranging from fishing to game-calling to archery and other shooting skills on a range, to dog handling and more.

This event, sponsored by the community and its generous benefactors, is being held on Sept. 12 at Camp Trexler in Jonas, rain or shine.

Participants and families should dress accordingly.

For more information, including check-in time and that families are welcome, visit mcyfd.org. A parent or guardian must be in attendance for each child. There is free parking for the families.

For registration information, contact A. Schwartz at ASchwarts@MCYFD.org or call 610-628-0355.

For general information, donations or to volunteer, call Mike Schwartz at 610-681-6184 or contact him at MSchwarts@MCYFD.org

Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.