Franklin Township Supervisors
Franklin Township supervisors approved the following Tuesday:
• The township’s new Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
• Contract to George’s P & H LLC for 10,000 gallons of low sulfur diesel fuel ($33,700) and 6,000 gallons heating oil ($19,080) (prices are to be in effect on Feb. 16; escalator clause in effect), for a total of $52,780.
• Agreed to rebid for 10,000 gallons of 87 Octane No/Lead Gasoline At-the-Pump after no bids were received.
• Will have Arro Consulting look into designing a standardized way to connect with all of the appropriate materials and methods needed. The township is starting to have a few new vacant pieces of land, etc., that did not have a lateral put in place when the sewer went through in 2003, and the township needed a design in place on how to connect to the main lateral on the township road.
• Township solicitor Tom Nanovic will update the sewer resolution regarding increasing the hourly inspection fee from $45 to $90.
• Compensation for an employee under the Pennsylvania Heart & Lung Act, retroactive to Jan. 14.
• Resignation of Samuel R. Lux for the elected position of Franklin Township Auditor. Lux resigned because although he was appointed to the position, he is not a township resident.
• On a 2-1 vote, agreed to set a date with the township engineer, solicitor, and involved parties to hold a public hearing regarding the Heere subdivision. Supervisor Robin Cressley was opposed.
• Approved the Carol Myers stormwater management plan’s operation and maintenance agreement.
• Adopted the Promulgation Emergency Operation Plan.
• Approved the request from the Franklin Township Lions’ Club, Pohopoco Rod and Gun Club, the National Wild Turkey Federation, and the Beaver Run Rod and Gun Club to have permission for exclusive use of the Phifer’s Ice Dam (largest pond only) for the following dates: May 4 - Lions Club Fishing Contest; May 5 - National Wild Turkey Federation Fishing Contest; May 11 - Pohopoco Rod and Gun Club Youth Fishing Day Event; and May 18 - Beaver Run Rod and Gun Club Children’s Fish Contest.
• Agreed to limit the fishing in the largest dam (only) at the Phifer’s Ice Dam Park to any youth less than 16 years of age for 30 days beginning at midnight May 3, and ending at noon June 1.
• Franklin Township Athletic Association’s request to hold monthly meetings at the township administration office on the third Sunday of each month as follows: Jan. 21, Feb. 18, March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 21, Aug. 18, Sept. 15, Oct. 20, Nov. 17, and Dec. 15.
• The township will hold an electronic recycling event from 9-11 a.m. April 6.
- Terry Ahner