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Shenandoah churches host events

The following events are scheduled at Shenandoah churches:

• An Allentown Diocesan Culture of Encounter: Family Holy Hour is scheduled for 11 a.m. Dec. 10 in Divine Mercy Roman Catholic Parish’s St. Casimir Church, a parish sacred worship site, 229 N. Jardin St.

The diocesan Office of Youth, Young Adults and Family Ministry is sponsoring the holy hours in the Schuylkill and Carbon deaneries, saying the holy hours with Eucharistic adoration are “important for our children of all ages.”

All are welcome. For more information, call the parish office at 570-462-1968.

• A Protecting God’s Children workshop will be held beginning at 10 a.m. Dec. 17 in the hall/cafeteria of Trinity Academy in the Father Walter J. Ciszek Education Center, 233 W. Cherry St.

The program is a three-hour video presentation to train adults and volunteers in the Allentown Catholic Diocese along with priests, deacons, seminarians, religious, diocesan employees, school principals and teachers to recognize if child abuse has occurred and “significantly,” how to prevent it before it happens.

Any adult volunteer who comes in contact with children is required to attend the program.

Advance registration is required by calling Trinity Academy at 570-462-3927.

Trinity is the sole parochial school for pre-K to eighth-grade students in all of northern Schuylkill County.