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Lehighton reappoints engineer

Despite interviews with several candidates, Lehighton has opted to retain its borough engineer.

Borough council on a 4-2 vote, with one abstention, reappointed Vanessa Nedrick, Remington & Vernick Engineers, to the post.

Council members Becky Worthy and David Zimmerman were opposed. Councilman Steven Hawk abstained from the vote.

The decision by council came after it met during a special meeting last week with three candidates for the position.

Along with Nedrick, also interviewed were Mike Muffley, Hanover Engineering Associates for Municipal Engineering Services, and Eric Snyder, Keystone Consulting Engineers for Municipal Engineering Services.

Nedrick has been serving as borough engineer. She replaced Bruce Steigerwalt, who retired at the end of 2022 after 43 years as borough engineer.